启明星 | 中国当先的电化学储能体系处理计划与技巧效劳供给商海博思创胜利登岸科创板 | Bilingual 北京时光1月27日,启明创投投资企业、中国当先的电化学储能体系处理计划与技巧效劳供给商海博思创胜利登岸科创板。海博思创(688411.SH)刊行价为19.38元,收盘价63.80元,较刊行价上涨229.21%,市值113.39亿元。启明创投为海博思创晚期投资方,2015年初次投资海博思创,并在后续融资中持续支撑公司开展。海博思创的胜利上市,也是启明创投2025年开年以来迎来的首个IPO。海博思创建立于2011年,是中国当先的电化学储能体系处理计划与技巧效劳供给商,为寰球客户供给全系列储能体系产物及一站式团体处理计划。海博思创效劳于寰球传统发电、新动力发电、智能电网、终端电力用户等“源-网-荷”全链条行业客户,连续进级迭代液冷储能体系、户外柜、充储一体机、工贸易跟户用储能等系列产物,在共享储能电站、光伏电站跟风力发电等多个场景实现了工业化跟贸易化。跟着以光伏、风电为代表的可再生动力在寰球范畴内装机量的疾速晋升,为了保证电网的保险稳固运转,市场对年夜型储能体系的需要也在疾速回升。以海博思创为代表的专业储能体系供给商,不只具有储能体系整套处理计划才能,能够更好地提出符合卑鄙客户需要的储能体系处理计划;并且在电池数字化建模技巧、电池治理技巧、能量治理技巧、热治理技巧、年夜数据平台技巧、测实验证平台、体系集成技巧等方面上风较年夜,能够将储能体系与源荷网各环节实现婚配。凭仗控制的储能体系处理计划才能跟更片面的技巧壁垒,海博思创已获得必定的市场先发跟技巧当先上风,并获取必定的市场竞争位置。依据标普寰球于2024年11月宣布的《2024电池储能体系集成商讲演》,海博思创位居2023年寰球新增储能装机排名前三,此中以功率范围统计排名第二,以能量范围统计排名第三。讲演同时表现,停止2024年7月,在以累计装机跟签约名目范围总跟统计的排名中,无论以功率仍是以容量单元盘算,海博思创均位各国内市场第一,在寰球市场排名第四。启明创投主管合资人周志峰与海博思创董事长、首席履行官张剑辉博士海博思创董事长、首席履行官张剑辉博士表现:“将来,海博思创将连续缭绕储能电池全性命周期代价治理跟利用,对储能工业高低游范畴停止连续摸索与临时计划,进一步晋升公司的工业整合才能,共建配合翻新生态。并连续增强在储能体系数字化利用、软硬件技巧翻新及协同跟全场景融会等方面的技巧翻新跟研发投入,推进产物疾速迭代以满意市场及客户需要。”启明创投主管合资人周志峰表现:“在近十年的时间里,咱们有幸以投资人股东跟董事的身份,一起动摇地陪同海博思创砥砺前行。咱们见证了公司凭仗着出色的技巧研发气力、鼠目寸光的市场洞察力以及矢志不渝、百折不挠的翻新精力,在竞争剧烈的储能行业中怀才不遇,生长为行业的领军者。现在,海博思创胜利上市,这不只是公司开展过程中一座主要里程碑,更是其驶向将来辽阔寰宇的全新出发点。当下,寰球动力工业正迎来一场深入变更,储能作为这场变更中弗成或缺的要害支持环节,包含着无穷的开展潜力。作为一起相伴的偕行者,咱们衷心冀望海博思创可能在技巧翻新的途径上勇往直前、永不止步,在寰球市场成为国家栋梁。”Qiming Venture Partners Portfolio Company HyperStrong Successfully Listed on STAR MarketOn January 27th, 2025, Beijing Time, Qiming Venture Partners portfolio company HyperStrong, a leading provider of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in China, successfully debuted on the Shanghai Stock Exchange s Science and Technology Innovation Board (the STAR Market ). HyperStrong (SHSE:688411) was issued at RMB 19.38 per share and closed at RMB 63.80, representing an increase of 229.21% from the issue price, with a market capitalization of RMB 11.339 billion.Qiming Venture Partners has been an early investor in HyperStrong since 2015 and has continued to support the company s growth through subsequent funding rounds. HyperStrong s successful IPO marks Qiming s first IPO milestone of 2025.Founded in 2011, HyperStrong has established itself as a trusted partner in the global transition to renewable energy. The company provides a wide range of energy storage solutions including liquid-cooling energy storage systems, outdoor cabinets, all-in-one charging and storage systems for utility-scale, commercial and industrial uses.With the increasing global demand for renewable energy, utility-scale energy storage systems have become essential for ensuring grid stability and safety. HyperStrong has positioned itself as a top-tier BESS provider, leveraging its strengths in battery digital modeling, energy and thermal management, big data platform, system integration, and rigorous testing capabilities. These technologies enable HyperStrong to meet the diverse and evolving needs of its customers.According to S P Global Commodity Insights, HyperStrong ranked among the top three BESS integrators in terms of global capacity installed in 2023.Alex Zhou, Managing Partner of Qiming Venture Partners, and Dr. Jianhui Zhang, Chairman and CEO of HyperStrongDr. Jianhui Zhang, Chairman and CEO of HyperStrong, expressed his vision for the company: “HyperStrong remains committed to unlocking the full lifecycle value of energy storage systems. We aim to deepen our presence across the energy storage value chain, enhance our integration capabilities, and foster a collaborative innovation ecosystem. By advancing digital applications, hardware-software synergies, and comprehensive solutions, we will drive rapid product innovation to meet the ever-changing needs of the global market.”Alex Zhou, Managing Partner of Qiming Venture Partners, said, Over the past decade, we have supported HyperStrong as an investor, shareholder, and board member, steadfastly accompanying the company throughout its remarkable growth. We have witnessed HyperStrong leverage its cutting-edge R D, strategic market insights, and relentless spirit of innovation to become a leader in the competitive energy storage industry. Today s successful IPO is not only a major milestone in its journey but also the start of an exciting new chapter full of potential. As the global energy sector undergoes a transformative shift, energy storage has become a critical pillar of this change. We expect HyperStrong to continue leading the way in technological innovation, solidifying its position as a key player in the global energy storage market. (转自:启明创投)